Tryouts for Spring Ball
Ages 10-12
Register for Spring Season and you will be notified when tryouts are scheduled
Mandatory for Ages 10-12. Also note, experienced 9 year-olds are welcome to attend as BYB will allow for a limited number of 9s to "Play Up" in Triple A
Tryouts are for team placement only - no one is excluded from play
- BYB holds tryouts as a means of evaluating players prior to the Spring season
- Experienced coaches / evaluators will be on hand to assess your player’s skills, which will assist us in determining the appropriate level of play and creating reasonable parity across teams in AAA and Majors
- For players who wish to advance to Majors, including all players who are league age 12, participation in the tryouts on one of the two dates is mandatory
- A good performance is particularly important and we recommend advance preparation
- All players age 10 to 12 must tryout, including those who have already played on a Majors team
- Experienced 9s are welcome to tryout as well. BYB occasionally takes experienced and skilled 9 year olds in a limited number of spots in Triple A
- Because it is indoors, players should wear sneakers (not cleats).
Tryouts are typically held at BHS Tappan Gym.
BYB encourages ALL of our volunteer coaches and assistants to come to evaluation day in order to see the pool of players, help the rating process, and meet other coaches and BYB Board members - if you are free, please drop by.
What we evaluate based on 2 peer groups, 9-10s and 11-12s:
- Hitting for Power
- Hitting for Contact
- Infield
- Outfield
- Throwing Accuracy
- Arm Strength
- Pitch Control
- Pitch Power
- Catching
- Speed
Expect a tryout to be around 2 hours.
9yr old players do not need to attend unless your player is interested to tryout for AAA, where some 9u players are drafted each year according to ability and safety.